Here you’ll find some lessons for teaching elementary and middle school-aged children about life in the garden. Simple, straightforward, these information sheets can help you teach kids how to grow their own vegetables. Topics range from seed to harvest, companion planting to crop rotation. Many lessons contain similar information, so browse through and pick the ones that work best for you.
Enjoy, make comments, feel free to print–but above all–Share the adventure of gardening with a child!
Note: Lessons are organized from basic to more advanced. I found children learn at their own pace, so lessons are organized by general grade and complexity of subject matter.
Kindergarten coloring pages:
Tomato and Basil are friends in the garden
Elementary (LE = lower elementary, UE = upper elementary):
Planting an Organic Garden Quiz
Garden Expert Questionnaire_Answers
Scientific elements in the Garden
Middle school:
Wonderful ideas you’ve shared that could also be done at home. A really wonderful time bonding with kids.
I’m also sharing some images and sharing tips on gardening and stuff, it is like a social site and it is
Thanks! Will take a look…
Thanks so much!! This is just what I was looking for! <3