Beats reading, writing and arithmetic, right? Nah, I wouldn’t go THAT far, but the kids do seem to enjoy their garden time and work quite well together over the beds as they weed.
These kids know that if they leave these weeds be, they’ll rob their veggie plants of nutrients and that’s just plain unacceptable. I mean, these boys and girls know exactly where they planted their seeds and watch over them like hawks! (Now if only they’d eat grasshoppers like good flying predators do, we’d be all set.)
Just kidding, kids! 🙂 Plucking them from the leaves will do just fine. And look at the work they’ve accomplished. Why this bed was covered with tiny green weeds only moments ago. But these guys and gals are quick and learned a new method of weeding.
Basically you put your fingers into the soil and twist. I call it the roto-rooter method (though I’m not sure exactly why) and it does wonders for unearthing the tiny weeds that prove problematic for tools. Okay kids, twist and turn, twist and turn, twist and turn–1-2-3!
They do enjoy rhythm in the garden. They also like helping teach one another the finer points in gardening. Just look at this young man teaching his fellow students how to pinch tomato plants. An expert himself now, he has their FULL attention.
And it’s working. These tomatoes are growing into some real beauties.
But speaking of beauty, these black bean blossoms will give those tomatoes a run for their title as “Most Glorious in the Garden.” Mother Nature has her gems!
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