So I recently had a meet and greet with this interesting visitor. Startling experience to be sure, but intriguing, too. I mean, just look at this spider! Incredible. It’s quite large, about the size of my thumb, and a bit intimidating. As I’ve never met a spider this large (I’m happy to say) and wasn’t sure what to do. Dispatch from the garden or welcome with open arms.

So I did a bit of research. Turns out this spider is a carnivore, which means he (or she) is not there to eat my plants. Good news! Even better news when you consider I have a HUGE leaf-footed bug problem. These beasts are destroying my peppers at an alarming rate and I’m none too pleased. At all.

As you can see, these nymphs infested my pepper plants and have turned big and ugly. I’m losing about 50% of peppers to their destruction–destruction that mimics blossom-end rot. My plants have been receiving all the nutrients they need, so I know who the culprits are without a doubt.

I’ve been dispatching them on a daily basis. What spray is working, you might ask? Actually, I’m finding the good old-fashioned mechanical method is proving the most effective. Squish and dispatch. Not pretty, but this is a matter of survival. For my Hungarian Wax Peppers! Lesson learned: say yes to the Tropical Orb Weaver Spider and no to the leaf-footed bug.
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