Okay, so I’m not sold on the red paper thing. Not because I doubt it reflects the perfect rays of sunlight to ripen my fruit to ruby red perfection, but because it’s interfering with my plant’s ability to absorb water.
You see, cutting slits in the paper for my tomato plants to grow does not allow sufficient water to get to the roots. Florida downpours can do the trick, but my sprinkler? Not so much. My plants are stressed and susceptible to attack by the fungus and worse, the dreaded hornworm. In fact, much of the water ends up in puddles on top of the paper–despite my every effort to weight the paper down in all the right places, encouraging the pools to funnel down toward my plant.
Nope. Not working for me. I’m sure there is an answer to this dilemma. It just remained out of my reach for this first season of experiment.
Needless to say, I’m open to suggestion. I hate to give up, but I hate wasting time, too. On to brighter beds, my Hungarian Wax Peppers are doing well. Not huge by any stretch of the imagination, but they are producing some rather robust peppers. Used one last week for some homemade Pico de Gallo. Tomatoes, onions, peppers, cilantro, little lime juice and voila! A delightful homemade salsa!
You see, there is good news. Even though my tomato plants look horrible, they have produced. And isn’t that what’s important?
I think so. Did find an interesting development with my sunflowers this week. Now granted, I’m no expert with these mammoth marvels but I had no idea that the flowers could actually form all the way down the meaty stalk. In our school garden, the flowers were solely at the top of the plant. Our second batch, too.
But mine? I have blossoms running all the way down the stem! Which is pretty cool, if you ask me. Not only do I get the huge flower up top, I get the added benefit of these little beauties.
I realize this may be an anomaly, but that’s okay. I’m not too picky when it comes to my plants producing. They produce, I pick ~ and that’s about as far as I care to dwell on the matter. Remember, I’m a happy gardener! And happy gardeners don’t sweat the small stuff.
Perhaps cutting the paper lengthwise and laying them on either side of the furrow. Or just poke some holes in the paper. Or put a soaker hose UNDER the paper.
I like the idea of putting the soaker hose UNDER the paper. Good thinking! 🙂