When I saw the picture of this truck bed with a garden literally planted in its bed, I thought: “Now that’s just plum crazy!” Who the heck gardens out of a truck?
Who the heck eats their hedge? Maybe I’m the crazy one. Well, at least in suburbia I am. But these two fellas, Nick & Justin, just may have found the magic to self-sustaining living—road trip style. They call it Compass Greenand their mission is to “teach practical farming tools and raise awareness on sustainability through presentations, workshops, and greenhouse tours at schools, camps, organizations and communities with a curriculum focused on Bio-intensive methods of sustainable farming—producing the maximum yields with the minimum amount of resources.”
They hope to inspire people across the country to be creative and utilize any and all space they can to grow food. So far, I think it’s working. Take a look at these school kids from a charter school in Queens, NY.
Seems to me they’re a bit taken with the idea of garden greens in the bed of a truck. As they should be. I don’t care where you’re from, this is unique. In a totally fun and very cool way.
Why, if I could, I’d put a garden in the back of a semi truck and travel around the country, too. Just think of it! I’d map out my course based on visiting cities and countryside at their seasonal best, like Vermont in October, Florida in December, the Deep South in the spring… It would be glorious, free-spirit living at its best! Why I’m getting tingles just thinking about it. 🙂
Until I saw this. Seriously? Are you kidding me? Uh-uh, no way in heckamundo am I sleeping there. Not for any length of time, I’m not. Plan B!
But it is really great that these two fellas are doing so, isn’t it? I mean I touch one school and one group of kids. These guys touch hundreds! Kudos. Peace, brother. More power to you. And if it’s really a trend that’s catching like Ian Cheney seems to suggest…
Well then I’m all for it. Video (and more like it!) created by Ian Cheney and his film series: Truck Farm.
Wow, that’s totally awesome, Dianne. It’s a terrific way to introduce gardening to people who know nothing about it. It’s so unique and like you say, I’m one who had to follow your link so I could find out all about a garden in a truck. 🙂
Thanks, Sheila! Learn something new everyday, don’t we? Gardening is an adventure!
Now, how cool is that!
WAY cool! The kids and I are seriously considering tossing some dirt into the back of my husband’s pickup! If we thought we could get away with it… He, he