The students entered their garden into Florida’s School Garden Competition this year and our fingers are crossed. While the due date for entry photos is well before most of our plants have blossomed, we’re still hopeful they will shine in all their “petite” glory. Wish us luck!
In the meantime, we’ll do what we always do and that is to diligently work our garden and observe visiting wildlife (which is plenty). One eagle-eyed student spotted this little gem climbing the leaves of a nearby weed.
Well, he was supposed to be weeding, only we prefer his efforts to be secluded to the garden beds! Cute little guy, isn’t he? However, better than snails and slugs, one keen young girl laid claim to her own bit of treasure:
Not sure how these coins ended up in the garden, but “finders keepers!” But the REAL excitement was discovering our carrots are ready.
Did you hear? Our carrots are ready! Our carrots are ready! And you know what that means…carrot cake for everyone! It’s a party now. 🙂
Though I think we’ll add a healthy carrot side to our cake and eat it, too. And remember the fabulous cole slaw we made last time? Another cabbage beauty is almost ready!
Isn’t she gorgeous? And so is her friend, the Brussels sprout. Yet this gal is proving to be a mystery. While we have lovely green leaves, we have no sprouts blooming along the stalk. Why not?
You got me on that one. I have no idea—though I aim to find out! The kids and I will get to the bottom of this and next year? We’ll have a bounty of lovely leaves and plump sprouts, you watch. Until then, take a look at our progress…
Fully planted now, our job is to weed and feed (and of course, harvest and eat!).
So cool and so proud! Hope they win!!
Thank you!! *fingers crossed*