Gotta love carrots. Easy to grow, fun to harvest and very healthy. I mean, look at these two love birds. Just goes to show, you never know what’s happening beneath the surface.

And did I mention they’re versatile when it comes to your menu? Last night we enjoyed Roasted Carrots for dinner.

Easter we’ll work them on to the dessert menu with by way of the Fluffiest Carrot Cake EVER.

Lunch snacks include Oatmeal-Carrot Cookies. Healthy and delicious! Speaking of lunch snacks, try sending whole carrots with greens included in your child’s packed lunch. They are truly a hit with the elementary crowd! Even more fun for the toddlers to pull from the soil.

For more on growing carrots, check my How-To Grow Section where you’ll find tips to create a successful garden harvest for your family.
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