Now that I’ve moved to raised bed gardening, I’ve come across some challenges. Namely, space. Granted this can be solved by adding beds, but they are costly and take time to build. And I want to garden now. It’s spring and I’ve been bitten by the bug!

My other problem (I use the word loosely) is my plentiful pepper plants which leave little room for anything else. So I decided to think outside the box–literally–and incorporated planters to accommodate my growing garden needs.

Herbs love planters, especially the terra cotta variety because they “wick” away moisture and keep herb roots happy and healthy. They do require a keen eye on the watering, particularly during warm stretches, but they are sufficient for success. Plastic containers work and require less water as they will retain their moisture longer. Just be careful they don’t receive too much water as it will lead to soggy roots. BAD.

Another way I’ve managed with my raised beds, is by utilizing the shaded area beneath my planters for starting sprouts. These little guys don’t need direct sun when young and actually benefit from the indirect sunlight. It’s not pretty right now, but that will improve once I get established.

My irrigation is temporary and equally challenging. I went on vacation for a week and needed to ensure my plants would receive water while I was away. I basically rigged a drip system using Mister Landscaper products recycled from my in ground garden. It seems to work, and will suffice until my husband constructs a permanent irrigation system for me.

Everyone’s getting along at the moment so I’m good! Challenged, but good.
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