This week was a short one due to parent-teacher conferences and progress reports, so I decided to give you all one as well and we’ll begin with our sweet potatoes, since they’ve been in ground the longest.
Impressive, isn’t it? Thick, lush and beautiful, like a warm and cuddly blanket of sweets. Look for a golden harvest in our very near future. A+
Next up is our bean fort. Look ma! We have walls! Heavy privacy walls at that! The back corner is our only weak spot. Too much shade and not enough water. A-
And take a gander at this sunflower bud. Wow. It’s my first experience with sunflowers and these are doing great! A+
The corn is striving to succeed and with a little help from upper elementary in the weed removal department, I’m sure it will come around. B
Much like our pumpkins. After the horrific fungus attack, we have pumpkins! And hope! B-
Tomatoes and basil are doing well. A And those middle schoolers were amazing!
Just look at them planting cabbage and broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. YUM. A
I don’t know about you, but I think I’d give this garden an overall grade A!!! Carrots and lettuce and scallions are in, but pretty tiny at this point so we’ll give them a pass. 🙂
This all looks great! I am loving watching your progress!
Are you growing anything yet? 🙂 BloominThyme can help!