It’s February in Florida and that means different things to different gardeners. Some have closed up their garden until spring, opting out of the fight with Jack Frost. Others are focused on cleaning out and preparing for spring. Me? I garden all year-long–except summer. It’s simply too hot and my garden is supposed to sustain me, not kill me. 🙂
You understand what I mean. So this February, my garden holds mixed blessings. My potatoes are thrilled with the warmer winter.
My sweet onions don’t mind either way…
The broccoli are in full revolt, choosing to cater to bees instead of my dinner plate…
But then again, they’ve never been a fan of warm Florida days. However, my Hungarian Wax have proven to be quite flexible in the matter…
You see, where I have abandoned their weed growth, I continue to admire their stamina. One frost knocked them cold, but they got back up and are thriving! My tomatoes? Not so much. They’ve been dispatched to the compost pile.
And if you doubt that spring in the air, ask the wildflowers…
They’re popping! (Only they’re popping IN my garden as opposed to BEHIND it.)
They’re even worming their way into my garlic row from BENEATH my ultra-black paper! The carrots one row over are happy as larks. Easter Bunny will be bounding by soon and they can’t wait to make the Fluffiest Carrot Cake ever. YUM.
My sugar snap peas are a mixed bag. Those with water do well. Those outside the watering zone don’t. Go figure. (The latter is an ugly sight and not shown here.)
As is this cabbage. Not sure what’s been eating it, but it’s a hungry little varmint. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, perhaps?
My Brussels aren’t too happy either, and I’m not sure why. I mean, they’re not very big. I’ve watered them, fed them…
Suggestions? I’m all ears!
To leave you on a brighter note, aren’t these Bok Choy flowers and seed pods delightful?
Apparently, they don’t care for the warm temps, either. Where are my beans when I need them?
In the ground, baby. In the ground!
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