Recently the family and I traveled to Northern Maine. A beautiful area with relatively low population. It gets quite cold here (might have something to do with population rates!) so summer is their prime garden season. Staying in a log home near Baxter State Park, we discovered this lovely roadside garden.
As an avid gardener myself, of course I had to stop. And visit. While I found no person to banter with regarding the gorgeous vegetables, I did find this adorable vegetable stand. (That’s it up in the corner – little yellow shack)
Inside, it’s filled with fresh vegetables — garlic as big as my fist! — and sold on the honor system. Price is listed, you take what you like and you drop in your money.
This is a definite throwback to years gone by — at least in my neck of the woods — and a refreshing one. State Park works the same way.
So rather than ask, “How does your garden grow?” More particularly, “How do you grow them so big and healthy!” I was only able to stroll through the perfectly lined rows.
I have noticed that everything in this area grows larger than Florida. From black bears to pine trees, they’re ALL bigger. But it makes sense. The climate demands strong and sturdy.
Trust me. Anything less will not survive.
Good thing I live in Central Florida. While I’m an excellent hiker, I’m not sure how sturdy my green thumb is–not yet, anyway! But it was nice to see how the other half gardens (other half of the country). Would have loved to share notes, but wandering through the rows of huge, healthy vegetables was pleasure enough. Took some pictures, made some mental notes…
Inspiring, really. And who knows? It might just make all the difference in my fall garden. I also learned that Maine is known for their blueberries. Had no idea. I thought North Carolina, sure, and now parts of Central Florida, but Maine? Who knew! (Apparently this crowd of tourists — they had a ball!)
But at the Jordan Pond House in Acadia National Park, people pick through bushes of wild blueberries along the lake. We stopped here on our way up to the northern woods and spent the day enjoying the coast. And the lobster. The popovers. And don’t forget the blueberries!
Wonderful post! Love seeing the thriving Maine veggie gardens and the lake surrounded with blueberries and mountains. Wild blueberries are delicious. Maine does have the rep for having the best. ;>)
Beautiful contryside and charming farm!