Kids love to garden, but they love it more when they have something cool to wear! And if this isn’t the cutest apron ever—then I don’t know what is.
And the best part? The patterns are yours for the choosing. When you make your own apron, you’re in charge—just like when you grow your own vegetables!—and can choose the fabric of your heart’s desire. This apron happens to reflect all my favorite colors, not to mention it matches my daughter’s summer garden dress to absolute perfection. Better than adorable, it’s easy to make!
Trust me. I’m no seamstress. But with a sewing machine, you can work magic. By hand, too. Though I will warn you: this method is a tad more tedious. Time consuming, thumb pricking, stress creating…
Well, for me anyway. Many a seamstress enjoy the art of hand-stitching while I prefer the luxury of technology. I also prefer the challenge of “creation without pattern.” You see, I’m a doer first, planner second.
Not that I don’t plan. Remember, I’m the garden gal with the excel program to color coordinate and organize my garden by season, according to companion planting, crop rotation… I also outline a novel before I sit down to write it.
Usually. Truth is, ideas start whipping through my brain before I have a chance to write the first one down! With experience, I’ve learned to travel with pen and paper. (There has to be some benefit from getting older, right?) Lucky for me, the idea for this apron came in the most simplest of terms; body, pockets, straps, done. I didn’t buy a pattern to make it, though I did scribble this Children’s Garden Apron outline for any who might like to follow my method.
For an average elementary-aged child, the measurements listed on my “pattern” will suffice, give or take a little here and there. Children come in all sizes and shapes, don’t they? Dotted lines represent actual material while “finished” drawing represents completed size. Just fold over edges and voila, you have your hem.
You can also “half” it for a “waist tie” apron. Come to think of it, choose a particularly cute cupcake pattern and you have yourself a baking apron! I mean, while the creative juices are flowing, we should take full advantage, right?
In my household, this sewing business really exploded (we have full aprons, half-aprons, ruffled hems (sort of), pillowcases, pillow covers–the works!).
Sewing can be a lot of fun. Until it becomes work, that is, and at that point, step away from the machine. There are enough chores to be done around the house without adding another.
So this spring—when you’re in the “mood” for something fun and creative—head on over to the fabric store. This craft is truly simple; select your favorite patterns, snip, snip, sew, sew—body, pockets, straps—done.
Oops! Almost forgot—there is that fancy little trim at the top, you know, for a tailored, professionally sewn look.
But don’t worry. If it’s on my handmade apron, I assure you, it’s not difficult. We have too much to do in the garden for any stretching of ability in the household. *Glee* Everyone needs an excuse. But that’s another post…
On second thought, make life easy and buy yourself an ACTUAL pattern. Your end result will most definitely reflect your intelligence.
WOW.. This is a great site.. and fits well with my passion.. preparedness. In fact I decided that APRONS are the epitome of preparedness.. think of all the things aprons can be used for.
I’d like to link to you site.. to Sprouts, Raw, Aprons.. etc.. haven’t looked at all the articles yet.. but this is a good start.
Let me know how we can cooperate.. I love your site.
Appreciate it Lynda!
Kids love the garden and all the crafts that go with it! In my opinion, the best way to cooperate is by sharing ideas so please stop by and let us know what you’re doing! As for us, stay tuned. We’ve got a lot on our schedule come fall…