And boy have they been busy! They have to be–with all the rain we’ve had in the last week (did you hear about Florida’s wet weather on the news?).
Of course, they had a little motivation. Take a look at these strawberries! Large, plump and juicy. “I’ll weed! I’ll weed!”
So they weeded and mulched and ran and jumped–the latter two WITHOUT proper authorization, mind you. But it was hard to contain their excitement.
I mean, it’s been over a week since we were last in the garden! Who can stand to be away that long? Not me. Not these kids.
And they really did a great job. If this scallion section isn’t proof positive, I don’t know what is! Here’s the before.
Enter magic weeding hands and voila–weeds almost completely gone!
We also discovered this lovely cauliflower…but lavender?
Who planted that? Don’t remember. Hybrid broccoli? Snuck into the seed tray at the garden center? Doesn’t matter. We’ll keep it. Next to that, we pinched tomatoes.
Checked on our cucumbers and they’re ready to climb the fence behind them. Corn is progressing well, and so are our beans. In general, all is well.
Time for our sweet reward. Ready, set–everyone grab a berry! Okay. We didn’t really set them loose. They lined up and then we set them loose. In an orderly fashion. After all, even though it doesn’t look like it, we are still in school!
Hey! 🙂 When are we harvesting some potatoes? I can’t wait 😀
I love watching kids in the garden. They have such passion. I let my kiddo’s help as often as I can. Teaches them good lessons and my 4 year old catches the color changes in the tomato’s faster than I do.