Plants reproduce in different ways—seeds, spores, rhizomes, bulbs, and tubers—but you can make new plants, too. One of the easiest ways to create new plants is by the process of “cuttings.” Basically, you’re cutting a branch from an existing plant and creating an entirely new plant by encouraging roots to form.
I use this method in my vegetable garden when planting sweet potatoes. It’s called making sweet potato slips. Submerging half the potato in water allows roots to form from the bottom half, leaves to sprout from the top half.
Another good use in the vegetable garden is with herbs. Rosemary, basil, mint, sage—they all take well to this process.
But don’t stop there! This process works for all kinds of plants in and around your home providing an awesome way to save money and extend your landscape.
Before you begin, you’ll want to purchase a rooting hormone. These hormones occur naturally in plants but can be purchased at garden centers in a powdered form and will increase your likelihood for success. The powder provides supplemental amounts of auxin, a hormone that helps with root development. Some might also include a fungicide. Win-win!
How to Create Cuttings
Fill a small pot with organic potting soil. Create a hole about 2 inches deep. For this part, I use a chopstick as it forms a perfectly shaped hole for my new cutting. However, any pencil-sized stick will do—even a small finger!
Using sharp scissors or shears, cut a 4 – 6 in. length “branch” or “stem” from an existing plant, cutting just above a node on the existing plant. The node is where new leaves form.
Gently remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving two leaves to remain at the “top” of your new cutting. Cut each remaining leave in half.
Moisten the lower inch of your cutting with water, then dip into the rooting hormone and coat well, then place into the awaiting hole in your soil, lightly pushing in the soil to backfill around your cutting. Lightly water.
NOTE: For many plants, you can create cuttings without soil and rooting hormone using the above process in water only, similar to the sweet potato process. Don’t worry about cutting upper leaves. Just immerse lower half in water and refresh water every few days.
How to Care for Cuttings
Place cutting in bright, indirect light. Potting media should be kept moist until new plants develop. This area should be cool and can be semi-shaded to avoid “roasting” your tender cuttings. Basically, it should be a moist and humid environment. Grow lights work, too!
A great way to accomplish this is by placing them in an area with micro-sprays irrigation. You can also place water in a spray bottle and periodically mist your cuttings throughout the day for best results.
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