Black Turtle beans are some of my favorite beans to grow. Not only are they easy, but oh-so-delicious when combined with onions, oregano, garlic and olive oil. Very similar to black bean soup, I love this mix of cooked beans and rice–a definite “must eat” in our household.
Growing black beans requires warm weather and a mild fertilizer and that’s about it. For your first batch, you can order an organic black turtle bean online (or other variety). Plant bean seeds (bean and seed are the same thing) about an inch deep and water well. In a month your bean pods will form and in two months, you’ll be looking to harvest!
But how do you know when your black beans are ready? I mean, these are what we call “shelling” beans, which means we don’t eat the pod as a whole–like we do with pole beans or garden peas. We have to open the pods, remove the beans and dry them.
With this variety of black bean it’s a no-brainer. When your pod turns a beautiful deep eggplant color, your beans are ready to harvest.
“What happens if I’m on vacation and I miss the peak harvest?”
Good question. Happens to me all the time. (Didn’t I tell you that summers are for vacation?) If you miss the “eggplant” color stage, the beans can stay on the plant until they dry themselves to a nice crispy pod. It’s how nature works, after all, and why not use it to your advantage? You have to dry the beans, anyway. Why not let Mother Nature do some of the work for you?
Ultimately, these beans are going to “pop” out on their own and replant themselves in the nearby soil. Why not spare yourself some trouble? 🙂 The kidney beans pictured above are a prime example. See how they’ve turned tan and crispy? Your black beans will do the same, only they’ll retain their gorgeous dark purple tones.
Either way, you can pluck them at the peak of maturity or allow them to “dry on the vine” — your choice. Once you decide to pick them, remove beans from their pod and allow to dry completely. Caution: Don’t eat them yet. You must soak these beans prior to ingestion, else you get a sick belly.
I love black beans… have a black bean soup recipe that’s a favorite. I had no idea they grew like this, though. I can be pretty dumb sometimes (ok, most of the time).
You should give them a try, Louise. They’re EASY to grow–all you need is two months of warm weather. 🙂
I think I picked mine too early. I bought they were green beans until I picked the last one and took a bite and realized what it was lol. So the pod was turning yellow and some still had purple spots on them. I took them put of their pod so what do I do now? I don’t want to cook them yet. Do I need to dehydrate them in some way?
Once you’ve picked your black beans, they won’t continue to mature but instead, will dehydrate themselves. To be certain your black beans are ready for harvest, you can allow them to dry on the vine. This helps when you’re not sure what color your pods will turn before the beans are ready. 🙂 Drying them allows for long-term storage.
My Black Turtle variety of beans turn deep eggplant in color when they reach maturity but others dry to a nice tan shade. Experiment with yours and you’ll be sure to find that “sweet” spot of maturity! Once you’re ready to cook, soaking them in water overnight will easily re-hydrate them and prepare them for cooking. Enjoy!
Thanks for the advice! I’ve recently planted 6 Oaxacan black bean plants I got in Mexico along my small fence, and now i’m getting bushels-full! I’ve figured out when to pick them, but unclear as to what to do next.. do I dry them as is (in the shiells) or take them out of the shells and put them into some container, like glass meson jars, and let them dry? and for how long? Then, just boil them, right? lol if you can’t tell, this is the first time I’ve tried growing my own, but I .love hem so much!
thanks for your answer 🙂
Great harvest news! I would not place them in any type of sealed jar or container as that will definitely invite mildew. Personally, I’ve lost too many seeds that way. Leave them to dry in the pod in a well-ventilated area. Once fully dry, they will store well. If you want to consume them right away, then yes, you should be able to boil them.