Rain, rain, rain–a beautiful thing right about now in Central Florida, but absolutely no good for photography. Not mine, anyway. Can you imagine what my husband would say if I went out into the rain with the lovely digital camera he bought me for my birthday?
Yes, well, it’s not anything to be repeated here, I assure you. I mean, we’re all sunshine and candy in these parts and have no interest in “What the heck were you thinking?” or “You did what?”
No siree-bob we have NO interest in that kind of heresy at BloominThyme. What we do have an interest in is harvest, big time.
Would you look at that zucchini? For starters, it’s enormous, chock full with a heck-of-a-lot-of-fun factor. Did you hear? We have zucchini! Ring the cow bell and call the neighbors, it’s harvest time!
Rainy days are no match for harvest days. When you pull that incredible bounty from your garden–trust me–you’re in for a thrill.
Thrill of your lifetime!
Okay, that could be an exaggeration. (I’ve had some fun in my lifetime and it wasn’t harvesting…). But it’s certainly the thrill of your springtime. Harvest makes all the effort worthwhile. All the bug squashing, leaf clipping, weed pulling, garlic spritzing, fungus snipping, cricket chasing, fly swatting, watering and feeding effort is made right–come harvest time.
In fact, we were lucky to get this picture of Julie’s zucchini. She’s a grade-A chef and this baby was on the stove in no time. Why Ashley was so excited by her harvest she near ran the boys down on her way to the kitchen to whip her zucchini into an absolute delicacy! Her cucumbers are next, followed by her squash, conch peas…
These women are on a roll, riding high on a thrill! Which reminds me. “Have you started your garden, yet?”
NICE veggies! I give you FL garden women a lot of credit with all the exotic ‘critters’ in your neck of the woods. Give me a good hard frost! I can handle sweet ants and box elder bugs… (June bugs gives me goose bumps though.)
Critters, indeed. Mosquitoes, alligators, snakes — oh, my!
We do manage (stay out of the woods, kids–the marshy swamps, too 🙂 )
I had zucchinis that big too!!!! We left them 2 days alone and they got HUGE! They taste good in chicken soup too 🙂
Ditto to Shyrlene’s comment. I am so phobic about snakes and we have a garter snake patrolling two of our rose beds. I make the dogs stay with me and chase it away when I garden. I would give… well, not ANYTHING… but A LOT for a growing season as long as yours, but I know that if I saw something that I even THOUGHT was an alligator, I’d have a heart attack and that would be the end of my gardening days! But, oh for that short period of time I was able to enjoy it, I would SO love your kind of harvest! Those zucchini are superfantabulous!