Mandy has been busy with herbs and not just those running the length of her front porch. While she’s planted (and transplanted) her rosemary hedge out front, she’s also been busy creating wonderful herb baskets.
But not just any herb baskets, oh no! She’s creating themed baskets!
Very creative. I first noticed them as we strolled along to view her soon-to-be vegetable beds out on the back patio. Lined in a row, she hung them in a wonderful sunny spot. What initially drew me to them was the red leaves of her Red Rubin basil. She went on to explain that she was making these hanging herb baskets for her church bazaar, to be sold as gifts.
Gifts, you say? What a wonderful idea! Apparently on a recent trip to our local Ag Center, she discovered a host of ideas for creating themed herb baskets. Better yet, each had a name: Tea for Two, Italian Cook, Thai Soup, Basil Blast, Scarborough Fair–the list could go on, but you get the idea. Tea for Two is a mix of German chamomile, lemongrass, peppermint and spearmint.
Italian Cook includes your Italian parsley (though I understand true Italians use Greek parsley), Greek oregano, arugula, sweet basil and brown fennel. Basil Blast offers an assortment of Red Rubin, sweet basil, lemon and Thai.
And of course who can forget the lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel’s Scarborough Fair?
Are you goin’ to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
Remember me to one who lives there, she once was a true love of mine.
This lovely basket was created with this song in mind.
But don’t let your imagination stop with these–whynot come up with some of your own? Think relaxation, energy, spa, bath, healing…ahhhhhh……….
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