There’s a reason some ingenious gardener came up with the idea of using pantyhose for tying tomatoes to a trellis–they’re soft and don’t injure the plant.
This tie has outgrown its use, or rather the tomato plant has outgrown it. Doesn’t it just look painful? Ouch. It’s also the reason green garden tape was invented.
Only a guess (as I wasn’t the mastermind behind this million-dollar-invention) but it’s a smart one and my first choice when it comes to tying tomatoes. Easy to use, easily expands… Simply a great product for the garden and available in most garden centers.
Speaking of ties that bind, look at this fella. He’s grabbed hold of his zucchini neighbor and then some! One of the downsides to planter box gardening…when there’s no way to grow up, they will grow out–spreading all over the place! The perfect solution is to have them organized for such sprawling.
Which Julie does. Lined her babies right along the border, save for the one above. Makes for more exciting gardening when you mix it up!
And mix it up we do–with companion planting! Peas and carrots are doing well together and so are Ashley’s beans. She’s added this lovely new trellis for them which just goes to show, tall, short and most places in between, trellis’ come in all sizes! More important–they all work.
Ashley has also been expanding her gardening repertoire…by adding this rosemary plant next to her back door.
Edible landscape, here we come! The only thing her garden needs at the moment is a bit of detective work. Her basil leaves are yellowing which could be a sign of not enough sun and/or water. Perhaps pests or disease are at play. Could be a combination, but by the looks of those brown spots, I’d start there; invasion!
Removing damaged leaves will go a long way to helping your plants recover and heal as well as checking your water supply. I’ve noticed that when my plants start looking shabby, I double-check the sprinkler system to be sure it’s functioning properly. Nine times out of ten–that’s the culprit.
And don’t forget to pinch! Pinching those center clusters of white blooms on your basil will encourage thicker growth–a must when you have pesto on the menu. “Honey…Wha’t for dinner?”
It’s almost like that Italian husband of mine could hear me write the word! Do love him so…
We just need someone to invent biodegradable garden tape!
That would be synonymous with perfection!
Your veggies all look so wonderfully healthy!
Biodegradable Garden Tape? A great idea…….as long as it doesn’t degrade until the end of the season. Now THAT would be perfection!
PS..the little velcro tie wraps for plants works really nice, as well.