Remember those pesky critters that stole my peanuts as soon as I planted them? I’ve figured out how to prevent them from doing so again. Bird netting supported by wire hoops.
Wire can be purchased at your local hardware or big box store–I used 9 gauge–and cut to shape with a pair of wire clippers. Length will depend on the size of your beds, but basically you’re looking to form hoops over your rows. Be sure to allow enough space for your plants to grow beneath the bird netting and accommodate your sprinkler system. The wire is flexible and bends easily.
Next up, you’ll need bird netting. It’s sold in rolls and can be found at hardware/big box stores, too. Originally I used my bird netting for my blueberry plants, but now that they’ve bloomed and been harvested, I can use it for the vegetable garden. Wunderbar!!
Cut and place wires first, positioning about 2-3 feet apart down your bed. Next, lay out your netting over the wire hoops, securing on either side with anchor pins (commonly used for securing ground cover paper and also available at hardware store). I place my pins about 5-6 feet apart, staggered on either side. You want the bird netting secure enough to stay down, but it doesn’t have to be tight as a drum. Critters will get their paws stuck when they try to enter and should be enough to dissuade further attempts. 🙂
Worked for me!
We don’t plant until memorial day wenkeed where I am .but I’ve started some seeds indoors and they are doing well. The sugar snap peas are begging to be put in the ground so I plan to do that a little early as they do like the cooler weather. Your garden looks wonderful. So full and healthy looking. I am going to be using a lot of pots this year too .just strewn here or there wherever they can find good sunlight.Chickens! I am raising 4 sweet baby chicks right now. So much fun. Good luck and happy harvesting!Kris
Thank you and good luck! Wish I could have chickens, but alas, hubby says no. 🙁