Mama Nature is throwing us one last dose of chill! And while some don’t think it will dip into frost territory, we’re not taking any chances. We’ve been burned (think icy burn) before and will not be again.
Just look at these sweet little things. Would you take a chance with their survival? Didn’t think so. So after some discussion, we used this lightweight frost blanket to cover our beans, tomatoes and peppers. It’s not the only option. We could have “insulated” them with mulch, or thrown a bed sheet over top. Though whichever way you choose to attack this problem, the goal remains the same: protect their leaves from frost.
Our potatoes are growing well and quite robust and should be able to tolerate a “near dip” experience. Though just to be sure, we gathered some oak leaves to ensure a snuggly evening. Talk about perfect segue–our lesson this week was mulch!
What kind of mulch?
Natural of course, like leaves, bark, hay and would you believe newspaper?
Oh, yes. So long as you keep it from flying into your neighbor’s yard by trapping it somehow–we used hay–newspaper mulch is a great way to recycle. If you prefer the lovely look of all hay, then simply toss the paper out back like the old news that it is–and onto your compost pile!
If you don’t have one yet, you will soon. Composting is too easy and too efficient–even for those city dwellers we know. One afternoon surfing the net will prove you can compost indoors AND keep it clean. A must. We are tidy when at all possible.
We actually got a composter from Target (online) and keep it in our garage. Great ideas! Keep them coming.