Justin and Eyry have been enjoying their garden without much issue, until now. Recently, we experienced a few days of unseasonably heavy rain and fog, and their squash did not fare well. Sad sight, isn’t it?
One problem was weather, perhaps bugs, but another is spacing. As you see here, they look pretty and full, but beware…
Without enough air flow, the squash family of plants is highly susceptible to fungus. Too much moisture = trouble. So take care when planting these beauties and space them appropriately, at least 24 inches apart.
On a positive note, their peas are growing with abandon. In fact, they’re doing so well, they’re stressing the twine support.
No worries. A few bamboo sticks strategically placed here and there will do the trick. Same thing happened in my garden, as you can see below.
Who knew sugar snap peas could grow to be so HUGE? I guess every success comes a price. 🙂
And one more thing. When growing carrots, be sure to thin them when small, about 3 – 4 inches in height. If you don’t, you’ll experiencing “crowding,” as seen here.
The problem with crowding is small carrots. Each one of those thick cluster of stems belongs to a carrot. But because they’re too close together, the carrots that develop may be narrow and meager. And who wants narrow and meager carrots? Not me. We want fat, healthy carrots!
So clip them when they’re small and give them the space they need. You’ll be happier come harvest time!
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