Looking for a healthy option for breakfast? Look no further because you’ve come to the right place–your garden. My kale is flourishing (despite a few wilting leaves due to the midday Florida sun) and that means it’s time for chowing!
One of my favorite ways to eat kale is sautéed with eggs in a breakfast scramble. Okay, I like this for lunch and dinner, too, but with kids around, we like to keep our food themes “stable.”
“Eggs are for breakfast, Mom. Not dinner.”
This is where I smile and say, “Sure honey, whatever you say.” Eggs and kale ARE perfect for the breakfast plate, and simple. Because everything we do here at BloominThyme is simple, not to mention delicious!
Kale Scramble
12 leaves of kale, torn into large chunks, no stems
1 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP butter
garlic powder, salt & pepper to taste
Heat oil and butter in a saucepan on medium heat. When butter is melted, toss in kale leaves and sauté until soft.
Slide kale to one side, and add two eggs.
When eggs begin to turn white, scramble. Cook for a minute or so–depending upon how you like your eggs scrambled, soft vs. hard–then combine with kale.
At this point, I sprinkle them with a healthy dose of garlic powder, pepper and a dash of Himalayan Pink sea salt.
This recipe makes one serving–and should be eaten warm. Enjoy!
Options for preparing this dish include sautéing with one minced garlic, in lieu of seasoning with garlic powder. If you choose to do so, go ahead and add the salt while you’re cooking the kale. It mimics another favorite of mine which is sautéed spinach. It’s basically prepared the same way, minus the eggs, and served as an accompaniment to dinner. Italians add pine nuts to the dish (but not me!).
I love kale. Looks delish. Just passing by.