Here in Florida we have a very narrow window for blueberry picking. April and May are basically it when it comes to harvest so grab your buckets and get out there! Before they’re gone for good. At least until next year…
And make sure you drag the kids along (or will they be dragging you?, because they can do some damage in a blueberry field. The good kind, as in picking more blueberries than you can possible eat! Good thing they freeze well and make great smoothie additions… We went to a local field in our area called Blue Bayou Farms and picked over 5 lbs. worth of berries, then headed next door to the Yalaha Bakery (a German deli and bakery) for some good food, good music, and some unexpected entertainment! If you’re in the area, be sure to stop by for a visit. You won’t be disappointed.
Kids do love to dance, don’t they? (Or is he running? Finnicky little dance partner…) Both were a hoot to watch. As for my blueberries didn’t fare as well this year. I started out with some gorgeous blooms, but to my disappointment, they didn’t bloom to fruition.
Not sure exactly why, but I suspect it had something to do with water, as in, not enough. It’s been hot and dry in Central Florida and I’ve been busy–which means my watering schedule suffered. Basically, I forgot to water them. 🙁 A few did produce which my lovely daughter promptly used to make some blueberry pancakes for me on Mother’s Day (sweet child). But I have no bounty to speak of. Sad. Very sad. Thank goodness for pick your own blueberry farms.
For a farm near you, Pick Your Own is a super resource and can be found on my list of Favorite links under U-Pick farms. You’ll also find instructions there on how to make blueberry jam, jelly and preserves! They’re simple to make, much like the strawberry preserves the kids and I made for a teacher’s gift (details in our Kid Buzz section) and oh so tasty.
I went blueberry picking this past week, too and am baking up “everything blueberry.” It was so much fun for me and for others that were there picking as evidenced by the chatter and laughter going on it the fields. I was amazed at how many blueberries were on the bushes. It definitely made me want to plant some bushes.
Plant away but remember they need water and lots of it (to plump the berries)! Be sure they’re in well-drained soil. 🙂 And it’s nice to “meet” a neighbor!
P.s. don’t you love the Yalaha bakery? We live very near to it, too.
I envy people who are into gardening and such things, just isn’t for me. I fantasize about it but that’s as far as it goes. It looks like you all had a great time, I wonder if it is something my kids would like. They would probably think I am crazy…you pick blueberries, yeah right. I can hear them now. Maybe one day I will surprise them and we will go to a farm where you can pick fruits or vegetables.
Happy blogging,
Being the frugal gal that I am, I do try to grow as much as I can in the back yard. This year, took my own dip into the blueberry pool for the first time….but I think this was just a bad year for us here in Colorado. We had snow just 2 weeks ago! I’m afraid that my own blueberries won’t make it. Do you know if it is too late to plant a new bush (I’d buy a bush at this point, I think)? Here’s hoping! We go through about 2 boxes of blueberries a week!