I think I have a problem. “Everyone has problems.” True, but I’ve got bug problems. **I think.

“You think?” Yes, I think, but I’m not 100% certain. You see, my Carolina Reaper pepper plants are growing wild and woolly, producing peppers like crazy that I can hardly keep up! My Hungarian Wax and green peppers are doing well, too.

However, that’s not my problem. My problem is bugs. I am finding it very difficult to identify whether the bugs in my garden are bad boys or beneficial. An important distinction.

An easily identifiable beneficial is the lady bug. She’s easy to spot, and easy to welcome into the garden. I know she’s there to eat the numerous aphids trying to suck the life out of my pepper plants. However, the assassin bug is also beneficial, but looks suspiciously like the leaf-footed bug. A bad boy out to suck the life from my plants.
Fungus doesn’t help, either, but harder to control in Central Florida during the summer months. UGH.

Back to bugs. Besides the adult bugs, there are the nymphs. These little fellas might present a good clue, as they tend to cluster on my peppers and leaves–just like leaf-footed nymphs do. Add the fact that I have removed several “stink bugs” from my plants (stink bugs are closely related to leaf-footed bugs), and I think I may have solved my mystery.

Maybe. I’m still pondering. And while I hate the thought of removing any beneficial bugs like the assassin, my plants are definitely showing signs of stress. Hence, more likely the leaf-footed bug or his relative, the stink bug/squash bug (pictured below). Of course, I could have both varieties in my garden. Who knows?!

Anyone have any insights or experience with these insects? I sure could use the help!
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