It’s cool outside, somewhat cloudy overhead, the ground soaked through. Rich, composted dirt, lush green growth, there’s a sense of calm hanging in the air. Walking alongside my beds, admiring Mother Nature in all her glory, it occurs to me that there is more than vegetables and produce here. There is color, texture. Emotion, peace. It’s a sensory experience.
Take my black beauty eggplant and cinnamon basil. I never noticed this before, but they share common coloring. Side by side, they’re beautiful, striking. Leaning close, the scent of spicy basil is distinct, memorable. Moving further, I’m drawn to my red cabbage.
Safe and secure beneath their netting (cricket issue solved), they appear more like flowers than food. How can a gal not like flowers in her garden?
Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. As is this precious pumpkin. Not only round and golden, working its way to a stellar orange, this fella makes me smile.
It reminds me of kids and fun, and of course, pumpkin pie. Which we can plan to make using this bad boy as soon as he’s ready. Oh yes, you CAN make pumpkin pie from your home-grown pumpkins and here’s how!
My tomatoes are in full bloom, promising a healthy harvest within weeks. Not sure what variety these babies are, as they’re located in my San Marzano row, but resemble nothing of the kind. (The Seed Exchange will be hearing about this purchase.)
The Hungarian Wax peppers are also nearing maturity–a feat my son cannot wait to take advantage!
He loves canning these peppers and then eating them on his pizza, his pasta, or just plain scooping them onto bread. Nice little Italian boy, isn’t he?
Most definitely. Elsewhere in the garden, our kidney beans are waiting to be plucked. Cabbage, broccoli and Brussels look good, as do the rest of my tomatoes, a mix of San Marzano, Lincoln and Beefsteak (both heirloom varieties). Summer squash and zucchini are out, replaced by an ever-expanding supply of sweet sugar snap peas. I’m considering a row of butternut–a new favorite of mine and my Thanksgiving replacement dish for sweet potatoes.
Sweet onions and garlic are in for the winter with a bounty of potatoes in waiting to do the same (they’ll replace the red beans, once we harvest them). Okra are still holding on, and my peppers?
They look great. All in all, fall gardening is the perfect mix of temperature, produce, ambiance and of course, harvest. 🙂
All I need is my picnic bench back by my garden, so I can sit a spell. “Kids! Come help your mother…”
I love all flowers in a garden.