Growing sunflowers can be fun, eating the seeds can be delicious, but how about combining the two and make a pinecone bird seed feeder? It’s easy!
Pinecone Bird Seed Feeder
twine or fishing line
scissors to cut twine
peanut butter or vegetable shortening
spatula (or fingers!)
bird seed — sunflowers, millet, dried fruit chopped small, and/or nuts finely chopped
Simply cut your twine to size and tie around the top end of your pinecone. We tied ours in a loop which makes it easy to hang from any tree branch.
Next we brushed/pressed on our shortening with a spatula, though some kids preferred their fingers. They work! Just keep wet napkins nearby. 🙂
Then we rolled our shortening-covered pine cone in the bird seed mixture until well-coated and ta-da! Your bird seed feeder is ready for hanging!
Is that great, or what? And FUN. Big fun!
Will the peanut butter or shortening go bad on the feeder if not used right away?